Saturday, August 29, 2009

test post #1

Thank you, Slastena, 3PP, Cleo26, Kelly, and Rosa for the inspiration for this blog.

Pearls, Lady-like outfits, chores, grocery shopping, and of course, drinks to come...

Can I truly be a lady while also raising two little ones? Is it even possible anymore in this day and age of comfort and convenience? Do I even really want to try and see what it is like to be a mid-century mom or will my feet hurt by the end of the day? And what about my dry-cleaning bill? Will it be astronomical?

Let the social experiment begin!


  1. Congratulations on your new blog!!

  2. Hi! It may be a few weeks before I get it really started (still looking for images to be my inspiration), but I have a feeling it could be a lot of fun. :) So you know, this blog was inspired while drinking an insanely intoxicating mojito at Occidental Grill. All you blog friends of mine are so dangerous... Thanks for following...more to come, I promise!

  3. Love this!! So bummed I missed Saturday's outing - was having too much fun at the chiropractor!!

  4. Oooh, I can't wait to see where you take us with this blog! Congratulations on first post here!!
